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Welcome to the Virtual Community!
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About our Virtual Community

The Virtual Community is a digital resource for learning, connecting and accessing information and instructional content created for individuals and associates at Easterseals Southern California. 


Use this site to access events and activities safely and remotely. While individuals and associates may not be in the same physical location, visitors can “attend” a class or enjoy an activity by accessing online resources across a variety of subjects.  


Explore the tabs for a list of classes, activities and events that will keep you connected, engaged and inspired!

How do I use this site?

The ESSC Virtual Community works anywhere on any device. From mobile phones and tablets, to laptops and PCs, you can access the tools and files that inspire self-paced learning, collaboration and connections.


Click on a subject button below to find more resources related to that topic of interest.

Safety Mask

What is COVID-19? 


It is a flu like illness that has spread around the world. It is also called coronavirus.


How do you get it?


Someone with COVID-19 gives you their germs. When they cough or sneeze, their germs get in the air, on you, and on things. Germs get into your body through your mouth, nose, and eyes.


What happens if you have it?


A fever of 100.4° or higher, Coughing, Hard time breathing. If these things happen to you, it does not mean you have coronavirus. Lots of people get a fever or cough. You could just have a cold or the flu. CALL YOUR DOCTOR if have these symptoms.


Why do we have to stay inside? 


We can carry the virus even when we are not showing signs. It is important to stay inside right now as the governor has asked to help prevent the spread of the virus. If we need to go outside for groceries or a walk keep at least 6 feet distance from other people when outside

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Announcements and Upcoming Events

We have great news to share about the bill to create a standard occupational classification (SOC) for direct support professionals: Tonight the Senate passed S. 1332, the Recognizing the Role of Direct Support Professionals, by unanimous consent.

Thank you for those of you that participated in the initial letter writing campaign to help bring this bill forward. Our work is not done, so please pass the news along and take action by clicking take our action alert below.

ACTION NEEDED: Recognize the role of the DSP!

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